Chung Family Portraits

Chung Family

Studio Venue

Project Notes

We hosted a family of four for a family portrait session in our photo studio. What set this photoshoot apart from a lot of typical ones was how much the family loved photography. Each of them brought along their own film cameras! Even the young children joined in the fun, snapping away in our studio’s lifestyle area and the backdrop area.

Our studio’s photographers all have a common philosophy with family portraits – to capture authentic emotion and nature expressions. At this particular shoot, the family was encouraged to play around with their own toys, props, and cameras. As a result, the final portraits have a sense of raw spontaneity. Yes, things could get a little hectic, but out of the madness we also managed to document truly fun moments.

Brother and sister | natural family portraits in studio

How many perspectives could we get?

One of the significant moments from the family portrait shoot was when we had four cameras all catching the same moment from our own perspectives. While on the sofa, Jenson, the little boy, started snapping away with his camera. Parents Lydia and Matt came along to photograph their own angles. Our photographer Tracy was stealthily in the background, capturing the whole scene.

Film camera shoot out!
Shot on Leica M7
Shot on Leica M7, Portra 400 film by Lydia Chung
Shot on Bronica SQ | family portrait
Shot on Bronica SQ, Portra 400 film by Matt Chung
Indoor Family Portraits | Hong Kong photo studio
Hong Kong Family Portrait Studio | workshop ten

Parents who love film cameras

Silly photo studio shoot with kids

Natural kids portraits | family portrait studio Hong Kong

Green view out to Victoria Road | Hong Kong photo studio

Our studio space allowed the siblings to explore and enjoy a fun experience on their photoshoot. They could lie down on the paper backdrop, lounge on the sofa, enjoy our view of the mountains, all in our cozy space. The possibilities are endless with different family dynamics and personalities.

As mom Lydia said,

“It was fun but [the kids] were very relaxed and chilled there too. Amazing place!”

Thank you for coming to our studio!

Shot on film | Hong Kong photo studio
Shot on Bronica SQ, Portra 400 film by Matt Chung
Behind-the-scenes | photo studio with Tracy Wong
Shot on Leica M7, Portra 400 film by Lydia Chung

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