Contact Us


+852 6155 2131


Unit F, 10/F Kwong Ga Factory Building, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

  • Entrance on Sai Ning Street, across from China Merchants Wharf
  • By appointment only
  • See directions below

drop us a line.

    public transportation.

    By Bus

    Take to the Kennedy Town terminus: 5B, 5X, 10, 101, 104
    Take to Serene Court bus stop: 1, 43M, 971


    By Minibus

    Get off at Sai Ning Street intersection: 54, 58, 58A


    By MTR

    Kennedy Town Station, Exit C (Forbes Street), about 10 minutes walk



    Within Our Building

    Starts at $20 for first 30 minutes, fee doubles every 30 minutes thereafter
    Only 4 spaces, mainly for unloading / loading


    Sai See Street Car Park

    5 minutes walk from our building
    $16/hr, operates 24 hours a day
    On week days, there is a tight limit to number of private cars allowed
    Generally available on weekends
    Google Maps location


    Kennedy Town Carpark

    12 minutes walk from our building
    Google Maps location


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